Some teachers are using the Photon app with little to no lag or drops. Some other teachers choose to use Splashtop Whiteboard or doceri to remotely control their computers. All of these options are good. It depends on the teacher preference. There have been some issues with Whiteboard. The issues that have been presented are: drops in connection, volume reverts back to the device instead of the comptuer, requiring the teacher to stop instruction, go back to the computer, and reset the sound. Doceri doesn't have those same issues. At the present time, no drops or issues have been reported to me.
Photon seems to be to be a great option for projecting the Reading Street content from the iPad without having to use the computer. Many teachers like this because they don't have to go through the computer. At the present time, there have been no reports of drops, lags, or volume issues when using the Photon app.
Posted by Sallie Warnecke