SAGE Math Information
Grades 3 – 12 Testing Sessions
Mathematics Reference Sheet Policy: Reference sheets will not be available or necessary for Elementary or Secondary. In 6th grade if a formula is needed, it will be embedded in the problem. In 7 – 11, if a formula is needed to solve the problem, the formula may or may not be given depending on the Core Curriculum standard.
Secondary Math Calculator Policy: Students may use any calculator previously used during instruction (with the exception of a phone or internet capable device.) An on-screen calculator is also available. In 6th grade an onscreen calculator can be used on certain test questions. It will depend on the Core Curriculum Standard. Students cannot bring their own calculator.
6th Grade Section 1: If an IEP permits, students may use their own calculator, but be aware the test is considered modified and the student will receive a score of 1.
Elementary Math Calculator Usage: In grades 3-5 a hand-held calculator is not allowed and students are not allowed to bring their own. Based on the Utah State Standards and students in these grades need to build basic computation skills and knowledge. Calculators are provided on-screen if a calculator is needed. If an IEP permits, students may use a calculator but be aware the test is considered modified and the student will receive a score of 1.
The SAGE Calculators Manual is also available for you and your students to learn how the on-screen calculator works.
Sample On-Screen Calculators are available currently for practice. Beginning in 2017, the DESMOS calculator can be used for classroom instruction and to practice the on-screen calculator that the SAGE test uses.
Math Blueprints are now available!
If I have formula charts (core curriculum instructional aides) up in my room do I need to take them down for the test? Students should not be provided with any assistance that would elevate their score. Charts and posters that would help students take the test should be covered or taken down.
Will students/schools/districts receive a percent score? Students/schools/ district will not receive a percent correct any more, just a score.
- 90-135 Minutes
- According to the TAM, page 6, "Those these assessments are untimed, it is inappropriate for the Test Administrator to allow students to take excessive time to take."
Mathematics Reference Sheet Policy: Reference sheets will not be available or necessary for Elementary or Secondary. In 6th grade if a formula is needed, it will be embedded in the problem. In 7 – 11, if a formula is needed to solve the problem, the formula may or may not be given depending on the Core Curriculum standard.
Secondary Math Calculator Policy: Students may use any calculator previously used during instruction (with the exception of a phone or internet capable device.) An on-screen calculator is also available. In 6th grade an onscreen calculator can be used on certain test questions. It will depend on the Core Curriculum Standard. Students cannot bring their own calculator.
6th Grade Section 1: If an IEP permits, students may use their own calculator, but be aware the test is considered modified and the student will receive a score of 1.
Elementary Math Calculator Usage: In grades 3-5 a hand-held calculator is not allowed and students are not allowed to bring their own. Based on the Utah State Standards and students in these grades need to build basic computation skills and knowledge. Calculators are provided on-screen if a calculator is needed. If an IEP permits, students may use a calculator but be aware the test is considered modified and the student will receive a score of 1.
The SAGE Calculators Manual is also available for you and your students to learn how the on-screen calculator works.
Sample On-Screen Calculators are available currently for practice. Beginning in 2017, the DESMOS calculator can be used for classroom instruction and to practice the on-screen calculator that the SAGE test uses.
Math Blueprints are now available!
- Math Blueprint- Elementary
- Math Blueprint- Secondary
- Also take a look at the DOK Hess Cognitive Rigor Math/Science for science and math!
If I have formula charts (core curriculum instructional aides) up in my room do I need to take them down for the test? Students should not be provided with any assistance that would elevate their score. Charts and posters that would help students take the test should be covered or taken down.
Will students/schools/districts receive a percent score? Students/schools/ district will not receive a percent correct any more, just a score.