Film Festival American Graduate Strand
For additional inspiration, please view American Graduate film examples below and visit
Select American Graduate themed films will be featured on the American Graduate website, will be considered for broadcast on UEN-TV, and will receive an extra prize. Contact your school's Ed Tech specialist with any questions or email [email protected]. |
American Graduate Film Examples:
American Graduate Champion
Profile a teacher, administrator, volunteer, community member, neighbor, or coach who is helping people reach education milestones.
Profile a teacher, administrator, volunteer, community member, neighbor, or coach who is helping people reach education milestones.
Courtesy of UEN American Graduate
Student Feature
Tell the story of a student who is overcoming challenges to get an education. |
Education PSA
Create a Public Service Announcement that encourages students to stay in school and achieve. |
Education Documentary
Explore an educational issue that affects Utah students.
Explore an educational issue that affects Utah students.
Courtesy of PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs
Questions regarding the Film Festival should be directed to Educational Technology Specialist Katie Blunt ([email protected]).