SAGE Science Information
Grades 4-12 Testing Sessions
Science Calculator Policy: An on-screen calculator is available for all students.
Science Blueprints are now available. Also take a look at the DOK Hess Cognitive Rigor Math/Science for science and math!
Reference Sheets for Science
If I have charts (core curriculum instructional aides) up in my room do I need to take them down for the test? Students should not be provided with any assistance that would elevate their score. Charts and posters that would help students take the test should be covered or taken down.
- 90-135 Minutes
- According to the TAM, page 6, "Those these assessments are untimed, it is inappropriate for the Test Administrator to allow students to take excessive time to take."
Science Calculator Policy: An on-screen calculator is available for all students.
- Grades 4-6 are provided a basic 5 function calculator.
- Secondary students will have a scientific (no graphing functions). Students are also allowed to use any calculator that was used during instruction (with the exception of a phone or internet capable device.)
- Calculator (Grade 6 Mathematics, Grades 4-6 Science)
- Calculator (Grades 7-8 Mathematics, Grades 7-8 and High School Science)
- Calculator (Secondary Mathematics I, II, and III)
Science Blueprints are now available. Also take a look at the DOK Hess Cognitive Rigor Math/Science for science and math!
Reference Sheets for Science
If I have charts (core curriculum instructional aides) up in my room do I need to take them down for the test? Students should not be provided with any assistance that would elevate their score. Charts and posters that would help students take the test should be covered or taken down.