Evernote is a great tool for educators to become familiar with and use for classroom organization, management, and file saving purposes. Teachers are getting excited about the ability to begin going paperless and are finding many uses for Evernote in their classrooms.
A few ideas for how teachers can use Evernote:
- Creating lesson plans and organizing in notebooks and with tags
- Taking notes during Professional Development, faculty meetings, etc.
- Anecdotal Notes including images of student work samples
- Audio recordings of students explaining work, oral presentations, and reading fluency samples
- Create notes including PDF's, instructions, uploads to share and email to parents and students
- Save articles and web clippings that can be organized and shared later
- Upload and save pictures of students, their work, and important events
- Creating check lists and to do check boxes
- Set email reminders for a specific date and time in notes
- Online file storage including PDF's and images to be accessed anywhere
- Sharing information through social networking like Facebook, Twitter, email, and more
- Writing sub plans that can include links, pictures of assignments, and other resources which can be shared through email