If you asked Mrs. Barton about her tech skills, she would say that they are not very high. However, she took on a project using technology in her classroom and enriched the school experience of the students in her charge. Mrs. Barton teaches 2nd grade and everyone of her students created a stop motion movie as the culminating project for what they were learning about animals. This project took Mrs. Barton and several volunteers a lot of time to get the videos done. I am so impressed by the way she took this on, and how much time she was willing to devote to it.
Mrs. Barton was the only teacher from Crescent who was able to take up the district on the offer of a free registration for UCET. She went determined to learn and did she ever. She attended a session on Using Stop Motion Movies as Student Projects given by Lisa Ferrara from the University of Utah. She had a great time during the session and determined she was going to take this back to her classroom. As I mentioned, she took a lot of time to get everything together, including purchasing a camera and the software from her own funds to pull this project off.
I am so proud of Mrs. Barton and her class for what they accomplished. Again, it goes to show what one person, attending one event can do that impacts not just one, but every student in her class.