UCET 2014 Presentations
UCET is the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology. It is the mission of UCET to:
- promote the cooperative development and effective use of information technology in Utah's educational institutions.
- provide a forum for the exchange of information on technology by holding conferences, meetings, and workshops, and publishing a newsletter.
- bring together any and all parties interested in the use of technology in education for the purpose of representing their varied interests to each other and to the public.
During the April 2014 UCET Conference, the following presentations were given by members of the CSD Ed Tech Team:
- Explain Everything About The MorrisCooke Apps- Katie Dewey and Janae Hunt
- Visualize Information and Data with Info Graphics- Maria Jones and Janae Hunt
- Re"Form" your Form, with Flubaroo- Chandra Martz and Sierra Eastmond
- NearPod- Katie Dewey
- 20-20-20: Alternatives to Clickers- Dustin Worm, Danae Reff and Lindsi Sullivan
- Doctopus Helps Distribution of Google Docs to Students: Dustin Worm
- TECHNOcabuary- Michelle Pohl and Lindsi Sullivan
- Five Free Apps for Engaging Lessons and Increased Productivity- Jared Ward
- What is the Flipped Classroom All About?- Jared Ward
- Learning with TED Talks & TED-Ed- Ideas Worth Spreading- Rachel Murphy
- TED Talks in the Classroom- Rachel Murphy
- Layar for Education: Augmented Reality is here!- Rachel Murphy
- What About Chromebooks? Using these Mobile Devices Successfully with Students- PJ Giles and Darren Draper
- Creating Movie Trailers Using iMovie- Camille Cole
- Driving Students to Write, with Google Drive- Michael Hakkarinen & Midvalley Teachers
- iPads in the 1:1 Elementary Classroom - Michael Hakkarinen & Willow Springs Teachers
- iPads for Elementary Video News Program - Michael Hakkarinen & Willow Springs Teachers
- Connect Students with Content Using NearPod- Michael Hakkarinen
- Read Books with Your Ears- Robert Gordon
- How to be a Video Ninja- Robert Gordon