Re"Form" your Form, with Flubaroo
Google Drive is a great way to create and share projects in any environment, but most importantly, it can re"form" your classroom. Google Forms are easy to create, while still being beneficial. There are many different types of questions, so it is simple to customize the form to fit your needs. You can gather information from parents using a survey, or better yet you can create a quiz for your students and grade it using Flubaroo.
With education becoming more and more data driven, it seems like there is never enough time to grade students' assignments and analyze the results. Have no fear, Flubaroo is here! Flubaroo is a free add-on to Google Forms that allows you to grade multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank type assignments.
Video Tutorials of Google Forms and Flubaroo
1. Create and grade quizzes in an efficient manner
2. Send individual quiz results 3. No Google account needed to take quiz Limitations:
1. Not conducive to free response type questions
2. Must have Internet Access Documentation:
Last edited by: cm