The 6th grade team at Sprucewood Elementary decided it was time for an upgrade of their annual student country reports. This year each of their students are creating a website all about the history, government, and culture of a country of their choice. Using free student accounts from education.weebly.com to create the websites, Culture Grams on UEN's Pioneer Library for research, and bibme.org for citation generation has made this an engaging, multimedia learning opportunity for each student. Students are learning core curriculum skills in Social Studies, Education Technology, English/Language Arts, and Library Media -- and they're having a great time doing it!
I interviewed Mrs. Lapray who teaches 6th grade at Sprucewood about her experience teaching student to use Weebly to create country reports. In the interview I asked her:
I interviewed Mrs. Lapray who teaches 6th grade at Sprucewood about her experience teaching student to use Weebly to create country reports. In the interview I asked her:
- How are you using Weebly in the classroom?
- Why use Weebly?
- Why not do the same paper projects you have done before?
- Will students be missing out on anything using Weebly instead?
- So... how hard was it to learn Weebly?
- What core curriculum does this project teach?
- Are you excited to see the students' completed websites?
Mrs. Lapray's students love creating their country reports on Weebly. They have found using Culture Grams to be a great help in their research efforts as well. I interviewed a few of the Sprucewood students about their experience and asked them the following questions:
- How are you using Weebly to create your country report?
- How have you used Culture Grams to create your website?
- Was it hard to learn to use Weebly?
- What do you like about using Weebly for your report?
The 6th grade teachers and students at Sprucewood Elementary are doing great things with education technology! I hope you have been inspired, as I have, to continue to find new and innovative ways to use technology to provide relevant and engaging learning experiences for students. Thanks to everyone at Sprucewood for sharing their great work with me for this week's Classroom Technology Showcase!
--Posted by Katie Blunt
--Posted by Katie Blunt