This page has been transferred to the new site @ isd.canyonsdistrict.orgActive Directory/Open Directory (AD/OD)Canyons District's Active Directory (AD) allows for every student and teacher to have their own username and password to log into lab computers as well as the ability to digitally turn in and return classwork. Student Login
With the AD/OD system, each student will login in to all lab computers using their own unique username and password. Students must login with their AD credentials every time they use a networked computer. They must also log out every time they are finished using that machine to ensure that others do not have access to their account and their projects. This login allows students to access their own projects from any networked computer in their school. Students will need to memorize their username and password. This username and password will stay with each student throughout their career in Canyons School District. For a printable version of the log-in instructions above, see the document to the right under Student Instructions.
Teacher Login
Teachers log in using their Active Directory username and password. These credentials should be the same as your email account. Username: first name.last name If you do not remember your username and/or password, please call Help Desk at 801-826-5544. Student HandInOut Folders
Students have the ability to view the contents of their “My Documents” folders as well as turn in their work using the HandInOut folder on any network computer . Click here for Elementary Student HandInOut Instructions. Click here for Secondary Student HandInOut Instructions. Teacher Access to Student HandInOut Folders
When a teacher logs in, they can add items to the “Hand Out” folder and they can view all items submitted by students in the “Hand In” folders. Click here for Elementary Teacher Access Instructions. Click here for Secondary Teacher HandInOut Instructions—Macintosh Click here for Secondary Teacher HandInOut Instructions—Windows Follow the directions below to access the HandInOut folders and add a shortcut to your desktop. Click here for Secondary Teacher Access to Network HandInOut Folder Instructions—Macintosh Click here for Secondary Teacher Access to Network HandInOut Folder Instructions—Windows Teachers and students will not have access to their networked folders (“Hand In” and “Hand Out” folders) from home. Help Desk Tickets To report issues with AD/OD, please contact the Help Desk at 801-826-5544 or submit a help request online at |
1. Students can turn in work digitally using the HandIn folder.
2. Students can save files on one computer and access them on another computer. 3. Teachers can save websites, templates, and other documents in the HandOut folder for all students to access. 4. Teachers can return work digitally using the HandOut folder. Limitations:
1. Files are not accessible at home by teachers or students.
2. Students cannot view documents in the HandIn folder. Documentation:
Download a PDF file of this documentation here:
Student Instructions
Teacher Instructions